Booking, don’t waste time getting in touch with us: it is possible to embark on a path of natural healing and rebalancing and rediscover psychophysical and spiritual well-being.
Information, boking and assistance:
“Alchemical marriage occurs when it is possible to merge” male and female “into themselves, that is, when perception and logic come together. From the union a third (psychic) element emerges in its own right, which has been described as androgynous in nature “
Regardless of any sexual identity (The ceremonies generally last 30 to 40 minutes, they can be performed both outdoors and in a private environment, chosen by you)
The sacred union in the alchemical grail develops listening to the Self, allowing to recognize the singing of the Inner Master, according to one of the fundamental alchemical concepts: the correspondence between the macrocosm (the universe) and the microcosm (the human being). It is our love for something bigger and deeper that takes us beyond our personal desires and interests: lead becomes gold.
It is one of the most fascinating symbolic ceremonies of the esoteric alchemical dimension. In any case it has a special sacrocosmic symbolism. The union of the sun and the moon, in alchemy, receives a special name “Alchemical Marriage”. This is called union in a sacred way under “Cosmic Blessing” which gives the couple a unique, more harmonious, more intuitive, more balanced bond, where complicity goes beyond matter. The Cosmos is the expression of an organized and ordered Whole. Everything in the universe, a macrocosmic and microcosmic level, is organized according to a precise balance, regulated by cosmic readings.
The soul capable of arousing an immediate, deep and “ancient” affinity, as if it had always known about itself, is the soul mate, understood as a mirror and complementary. Meeting the other and recognizing him as part of oneself and as part of the whole makes us experience belonging to a harmonious and perfect superior order. The soulmates enter discovering that they have a spiritual goal to achieve and evolve synchronously.
Published by ciao
I° Supreme Council International Esoteric Alchemy Community
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