Alchemical Meditation
The technique is divided into 7 phases, initially personally guided, which then allow to reach a true meditative autonomy. After daily practice, anyone is able to unify and awaken their true nature, which is Divine.
The practice leads us to a full sacrocosmic connection, in a fascinating, deep and intimate journey, to discover ourselves, which opens our inner path, in an alchemical path that consists in careful observation of ourselves, to reach a more high degree of consciousness in contact with the basic energy leading to knowledge and infinite spiritual growth.
Everything is oriented towards the transformation of man himself, towards his divinization, his fusion into divine energy, from which all the energies of matter radiate, it is a sort of inner alchemy, which leads us to the Opus Alchemicum, depends on the greater or lesser perfection exclusively on the qualitatively reached maturity of each individual, in the practice and perseverance of daily meditation.