The chakras are points of intersection of the different energy levels of the person, in particular between the physical, mental-emotional and spiritual levels. In each of these levels the vital energy manifests itself with a specific body, one of which, the physical one, is part of the sensory perception common to all. The second body, the mental one, is a subtle, non-physical body that falls under the capacity not of sense but of sensitivity that some people possess and manifest themselves in the form of “aura”, that is, the energetic extension external to the body, people who they can perceive this body, describe it as a tactile sensation of “touching an energy” or if they perceive it visually dedicated to the purification and energetic rebalancing of the chakras and the Aura in a guided tetha path
The treatment develops in an initial phase dedicated to the purification and energetic rebalancing of the chakras and the Aura through a daily meditation and then develops through a personalized accompaniment, in which, one works in the 3 alchemical phases; to nigredo, alla’albedo and then to rubedo, to dissolve the psycho-emotional energy blocks present in the person to be treated
Restoring the balance of your Chakras means finding your mental and physical well-being and living every day of your life in the name of health, energy and vitality. It is possible to remove the waste that accumulates in it, bringing the energy field between body, mind, soul back into balance and recovering the balance and harmony in our daily life and the lack of serenity, by reopening the closed paths
All treatments are aimed at helping to activate the energy of the functions of the different energy levels of those who need it, in particular between the physical, mental, emotional levels, but above all on a spiritual level, considered a harmonic balance. The therapy is absolutely pessonally guided by Afe
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