Dalyah Key (UK)

Hello everyone, my name is Dalyah Kei, I’m a Wiccan Alchemist, a green witch, a member of the C.I.A.E (Comunità Internazionale Alchemica Esoterica – International Alchemical Esoteric Community).

Witchcraft is an ancient and powerful practice that is based on the use of herbs, flowers, essential oils, stones and other natural elements. Green witchcraft is a type  that focuses on using natural elements to achieve healing, blessings, and more in a process of respecting, attuning, and connecting with nature.

As a tarologist I dedicated myself to the tarot reading method with foundations in alchemy, solely in the “Alchemic Analysis” method, I was followed and oriented directly by my Master guide, Mrs. Afe, through this methodology I was able to perceive with more depth the energetic, psycho-physical and spiritual state and its different forms of energies of varying nature, in all I have combined the meditative and spiritual disciplinary practice to carry out my work in the field of energy healing.

Consulting in English, Italian and Brazilian Portuguese

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